Brevity in writing and public speaking is widely admired but rarely practiced. On November 19, 1863, two men spoke at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, one for two hours and the other for two minutes. Can you identify either speaker or recite any part of what either said? Edward Everett, the former Harvard president and the greatest public speaker in the United States, was one speaker. The other was Abraham Lincoln. Who spoke for two minutes?
The temporary hearing is probably the briefest event in the domestic litigation process, but also a most important part. The ruling at the temporary hearing is likely to affect the order at the final hearing and events long after the litigation is finished. This is unfortunate as the temporary hearing is flawed in its concept and execution; judges decide most temporary hearings in 15 minutes on affidavits and court forms with no chance for cross-examination and little opportunity for rebuttal. Lawyers submitting long, verbose affidavits, judges permitting this abuse, and court administration requiring excessive forms redundant to good affidavits compound the problems.
The average judge reads one page of a double-spaced affidavit in a little more than two minutes, assuming she does not pause to reflect on what she is reading nor stop to compare it with another document. Consider all a judge must do within the usually allotted 15 minutes, and you understand better the judge’s mistakes and frustrations.
Your client’s affidavit for a temporary hearing should make two points: What your client seeks and why he or she should get it. If the writer understands the goals and the issues, this should take less than three pages.
Thoughts and tips for better affidavits and more successful temporary hearings:
- Judges appreciate lawyers who are considerate of the court’s time. Keep your affidavits and arguments short.
- Argue the main points and trust the judge to get the small points right.
- Write well. Write in active voice. Avoid adjectives and adverbs. Understated trumps overstated.
- Skip traditional openings and closings. No “Personally appeared before me Jane Doe who being first duly sworn deposes and says….” Make no averments on information and belief. No “And further deponent sayeth naught.
- Judges do not appreciate spouses who trash the opposing party. Avoid negative statements, no matter how true, about the opposing party unless necessary.
- Do not waste your time or the judge’s time trying to convince the judge your client is a saint or the opposing party is the personification of evil. Focus on your two goals: Stating what your client seeks and why he or she should receive it.
- Never forget each word, phrase, and sentence invites discovery requests and provides grist for the opposing counsel’s later cross-examination of your client.
- Try this model affidavit with 183 words, no passive sentences, and a 9.3-grade level. “I am the plaintiff. I seek this temporary relief: child custody, child support, spousal support, use of marital property, payment of marital debts, and payment of my attorney’s fees. John and I were married for 21 years and have one emancipated child and five unemancipated children. I have not worked outside the home for 19 years. I am the primary caretaker of the children who I homeschool. I performed the duties of a caring and responsible wife and mother. The children and I depend upon John for our financial support. John earns $160,000 per year plus a bonus and has always been a good provider. The children and I need the temporary use of the marital home, the household goods and furnishings, and my 2011 van. I cannot pay marital debts. Even with child support and spousal support, I must have an advance on the equitable apportionment of property, if the children and I are to maintain our current standard of living. I have no funds nor ability to pay my attorney without sacrificing my standard of living and that of the children.”
I solicit your comments, corrections, criticisms, questions, and suggestions.

That affidavit clearly stated her position, but I could also feel her frustration and fear. This is a great example not just for Family Court, but for all courts. Well written. Bravo.
Outstanding for a non-acrimonious divorce, but what happens when the other side trashes your client and you have nothing in your affidavit to rebut the same or address their character, so that the court knows to question the veracity of what they are saying. I would be most interested in the format you use for the affidavit of supporting witnesses. I usually have them briefly introduce themselves, address their relationship to the party and opportunities to observe the party, address what they have observed, and have them conclude with their statement of why my client deserves the relief she or he is requesting. I look forward to your comments. Jim
Jim, first, thanks for the response and raising your questions. By debating the issues, which is the purpose of this blog, we become more knowledgeable and better lawyers.
The more acrimonious the divorce, the less I want my client to attack the opposing party. I based my post on a recent case in which the opposing affidavits accused my client of belonging to a cult church and engaging in parental alienation. My client said nothing negative about the opposing party. The slashing allegations got no traction with the judge and my client got a most favorable result.
Other than my attorney’s fee affidavit, I rarely present an affidavit of a non-party at a temporary hearing. Several years ago when appearing before a Presbyterian elder judge, I had an affidavit of my client’s minister stating, “I am the minister at _____ Presbyterian Church where ____ serves as an elder, indicating the respect the congregation has for his character and ability.”
In South Carolina Divorce Forms, the witness affidavit has three paragraphs: (a) the identity of the witness, (b) the relationship of the witness to the client, and (c) the witness’ conclusion. I limit this affidavit to less than one page and the witness’ conclusion to one point in less than 75 words.
John Cheatham of Lexington reminded me of the article by Christopher M. Kelly Laura G. Simons in a 2010 South Carolina Lawyer article titled Attacking Affidavits: Maintaining the Integrity of the Process. It deals primarily with summary judgment affidavits in circuit or federal court, but it has a sidebar by David C. Shea titled The Family Court Affidavit: Uses and Misuses.
Robert Rushing Jr. published Preparing Successful Affidavits in Family Court Custody Actions in the September 2008 South Carolina Lawyer.
South Carolina Bar Ethics Advisory Opinion #2008 08-14 addresses the propriety of hearsay in affidavits.